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We extend the deadline for sending communications

until May 8 at 2:00 p.m.

(Spanish peninsular time)

V International Conference on Didactics in Chemistry


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Topics Conference:

  • Teaching of Chemistry.

  • Theoretical training.

  • New technologies.

  • Chemistry Practices.

The communications, in Word format (.docx) will be sent by email to with the name of the main author (e.g. JM_LOUSA_PAREDES.docx), indicating the form of communication desired (oral or by poster), as well as like the scientific area.
Abstracts must be written in the official languages of the Congress (Spanish, Portuguese, Galician and English), according to the template provided and not exceed one A4 page.
As the number of oral communications is limited, the works presented for this modality will be selected, with the rest accepted for exhibition in poster format.
Each participant registered for the Congress may present, as main author, a maximum of 2 communications; There is no limitation to do so as co-author.
When the Communication is presented in the form of a Poster, its maximum dimensions will be: 90 cm wide x 120 cm long and it must be sent in .jpg or .png format and in PDF.

Plantilla Póster Congreso Didáctica Baja Calidad.jpg
Guide for submitting abstracts:
  • The first author must be registered

  • Each participant can send a maximum of 2 communications.

  • The summary will only be considered if it respects the rules of the congress.

  • The summary must be sent by email to

  • The summary must be in Word format or another compatible format.

  • When sending the abstract, you must choose the most relevant topic, although the organizing committee reserves the right to decide/change the scientific area of the same.

  • Submission of abstracts requires prior registration at the conference – payment is not necessary at this stage.



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